Gou Jian said with tears, "You don’t know, you don’t know how good and gentle Xi Shi is to me. I should be satisfied when I get a confidant of Xi Shi. I should be satisfied. What do I want with this country?" I want Xi Shi! I want Xi Shi! "

Gou Jian wept bitterly at the mouth of Taihu Lake. Wen Zi Nai gave a wry smile. Wen Zi never dreamed that Gou Jian was so persistent in Xi Shi. However, there is no persistence. Xi Shi has gone, and Xi Shi’s heart has gone. Gou Jian’s ability and root method have been taken back. […]

Feeling the fluctuation of mana, the old guys who are collecting Dan medicine are startled. There are still many Dan medicines that have not been collected yet. Wouldn’t it be outrageous if they were destroyed by mana?

You know, it’s better for everyone to compete for fists and fists, but it’s easier to be controlled. However, if the technique is left behind, the wave area will be greatly changed. If you are not careful, it will trigger a chain reaction. Everyone will defend the mana to prevent it from being hit, but […]

After all, the alliance strength is obvious to all.

Besides, in the eyes of extraordinary creatures, human beings should be counted as a whole. Those ordinary people who don’t practice are human beings. Those who have trained animals are also human beings. And those ordinary people who don’t practice can’t be ignored at will. Although there is nothing wrong with them, together they can […]

Ji Xiang frowned slightly. "As in the past …?"

"You mean it has been exactly the same since you took over the Ten Hell of Mount Tai?" "It’s the real person. If you don’t believe me, I’ll go to the Ten Hell together." Bixia Yuanjun satisfied all the questions of Jixiang, and Jixiang also agreed directly. "Then have a look in hell." Before leaving, […]

Dasey Christie raised her delicate eyebrows and said coldly, "Since it’s Sidney’s hand knight, it must be Hailansa who followed this clue to check again."

"Yes, Miss Darcy!" Attendants immediately replied. Darcy Christensen’s attendants slowly merged the magic van into the street traffic. …… Darcy just turned at the crossroads in that magic van. Surdak passed Darcy Christie by the street lamp in a magic caravan. He looked at a magic van parked on the street and wondered whether to […]

It became a sacrifice to the spirit and enjoyment of this tribe.

Actually, it’s nothing just as it is said What you get, you have to pay. Since these special creatures have enjoyed the cause and effect of Terran Tribe’s natural protection and repayment here. Special creatures have benefited, and Terran tribal security has also been guaranteed. This mutually beneficial good thing should not be too worrying. […]

"Okay, I know, leader."

After putting words over there, Li Bureau gently exhaled and put the words back. Come on, whatever problems there are behind here, he’s not responsible On the other side, the leader frowned. Li Chu, it’s not right that he is familiar, mainly because his wife is familiar. Now he can have a pair of children, […]

Chapter seventy-three Chutian world

The prince of Wu went first with Wu Xu and the army on the left. Sun Wu stopped for two days with an army on the right and attacked Chu from another direction. And two days later, a dragon flew into Gusu City. It was Mengmeng who flew in from Da Lei Yin Temple. Jiang […]

Kyubi no Youko, a saint in the ear, knelt down on his shoulder and ordered.

So he took Kyubi no Youko and the holy Lin Chong and his great love to the city of sentient beings Talk while walking "What is the secret of pleasing people?" Lin Chongwen loves him very much. "It is the only secret of a certain heaven" loves to answer "The titles of the demon clan […]

He sank, "It should be Junshan to be able to make every effort."

Wei’s broken mouth was very upset. "Your family seems unwilling to be a family dog, but it’s true that dogs can’t change their diet … Ahem!" Seeing Ruqian’s injury in Wei field, he quickly stopped indecent words. Luo Yu saw it but laughed. "Isn’t it just licking the dog?" Wei Shang suddenly silently repeated the […]