Jiang Hao took her hand and said, "I don’t mind the smell of shit."

Jiang Hao took her hand and said, "I don’t mind the smell of shit."

"…" You eat shit. Your family eats shit.
Chapter 16 Jiang Chief also come to this one?
Chapter 16 Jiang chief also come to this one?
Jiang Hao took her hand and said, "I don’t mind the smell of shit."
"…" You eat shit. Your family eats shit.
Joe’s heart was only defensively kissed by Jiang Hao. In this kind of "violent suppression", her anger also disappeared a little. She could feel that Jiang Hao cared about her.
What a wife needs is her husband’s care and heart. It’s as simple as that.
Kiss for a while. Jiang Hao slowly loosened her lips. His forehead touched her forehead and the tip of his nose rubbed against each other. It seemed that he couldn’t kiss enough. He just held her face and rubbed it.
"Why are you weird … did Xiao Tianai do something drastic to stimulate you?" Qiao Xinwei specially emphasized the sentence "Don’t lie to me again."
Jiang Hao took a deep breath and his eyes were dignified and profound. "I won’t lie to you, but I can’t tell you that this involves my work."
Joe looked at him in amazement and nodded silently.
There is no doubt that if other jobs are involved, she can’t ask his wife any questions. The first thing she was told was to ignore other jobs and not to contact him when he was on a business trip.
But she couldn’t figure out what Xiao Tianai’s trade union had.
"Jiang Hao, don’t lie to me. You swear."
Jiang Hao held out his hand and held his three fingers above his head. "I swear in the name of a soldier that I will never lie to you."
"Okay, okay, I’m too lazy to worry about her." She suddenly thought, "But you said this is your job, so you have to spend a lot of time with her later and you can’t tell me."
Jiang Hao is very resistant to refute, but that’s the way it is.
Qiao Xinwei was very unhappy in his heart. He ordered me one sentence at a time. This is me, and he can be together with Xiao Tianai aboveboard. This also makes her sick. She said angrily, "It’s best that she has committed something terrible. It’s best that you can solve the case quickly. It’s best that I can never meet her again after this thing is over … Hiccup" with a mouthful of sauerkraut.
Jiang Hao felt tired of touching her hair and seeing her angry. "Okay, okay, leave her alone. Is there any instant noodles at home? I’m so hungry."
Qiao Xinwei took the opportunity to quip, "Yo, I, a Wang, eat instant noodles. Do you still eat instant noodles as a big head? Why don’t people feed you enough?"
This is really sour.
Jiang Hao got up and went to the kitchen, took two eggs and tomatoes from the refrigerator, and dug up a large piece of sauce beef. He easily threw it away and said, "I don’t know if Mrs. Jiang is interested in my secret beef and sauerkraut instant noodles."
Qiao Xinwei gave him a white look with instant noodles and said, "Hum, don’t tempt me with beef. Am I so easily tempted?"
Jiang Hao picked an eyebrow and nodded and whistled into the kitchen.
In the kitchen, let’s clap and play. Qiao Xinwei turned his head to see Jiang Hao patting beef with an apron and a knife in his hand.
Jiang Hao has turned into a chef in a hotel, and the sound of "spluttered" is very rhythmic.
Then, the beef sauce in the hot oil pan came to a burst of attractive fragrance in the "Zizizi" frying.
Qiao Xinwei had eaten nine points at this time, and there was soup left in the cup. She poked her head and looked at Jiang Hao, who happened to look back at her. She hurried back.
"Want to eat?"
"I’m full, eat by yourself."
Jiang Hao smiled "Don’t eat beef"
"Don’t eat" Hum, am I so easily tempted? Am I?
In Jiang Hao, a plate of delicious and tender sauce beef was carefully prepared, and the noodles were also soaked. He deliberately moved to the coffee table with the plate and instant noodles.
Qiao Xin only glanced at his mother’s egg, love poached egg, cold tomato and chilli sauce, beef and instant noodles. Is it so particular about it?
Jiang Hao also poured a glass of red wine. He said, "Fast food like instant noodles is the least nutritious, but what should you do if you want to eat instant noodles? Learn from me."
Joe’s only cup of noodles has turned into leftovers. There are delicious dishes in Jiang Hao, and the color is very beautiful with hot air. It makes people drool.
Jiang Hao took a sip of red wine and then took a bite of the sauce beef. "Wow, this sauce is great. The pickled beef is so tasty. Wife, let’s go to the supermarket to buy more pickled beef and cook it whenever we want."