Chen Jun looked down at his eyes, raised his hand and waved to the police officer outside. Immediately, two people came in and sat down in front of the brain to see how many people needed to explain what they had to do to cooperate with the sewing of clothes.

Chen Jun looked down at his eyes, raised his hand and waved to the police officer outside. Immediately, two people came in and sat down in front of the brain to see how many people needed to explain what they had to do to cooperate with the sewing of clothes.

Their eyes are fixed on the brain screen, and their eyes contrast with the brain light, and they spare no effort to see the people they should see!
About a few minutes later, a police officer broke the silence. "Chen Jun, do you think this man is the one we are looking for?" They’re looking for a dead man-Yong Fang, but it’s hard to be honest with outsiders present.
Chen Jun had close contact with the deceased and looked at the screen. The figure was coming out of the door. His eyes narrowed. He looked at it carefully for a long time and finally nodded his head to confirm that guess.
In the picture, Yong Fang’s face with a bag in his hand implied anger and went straight to the outside of the community, which was very consistent with Mo Yi’s description. He had a quarrel and went shopping with a bag. The facial expression was not deliberately disguised.
"This proves that Mo Yi didn’t lie." He really wasn’t the murderer. Chen Jun asked two police officers to copy the video and turned to the two security guards. "This video has to be solved temporarily and cannot be deleted."
What are you worried about when the old security guard looks embarrassed and the young security guard sniffs? I’m sure they’ll get things done, but just talk to them. This man really takes himself seriously.
It’s really overreaching!
The young security guard flashed a lot of twists and turns in his mind, but his face was motionless, as if he had not paid attention to what they said.
"I can’t do this." The old security guard was silent for a long time before he answered seriously. It was even more difficult to glance at his face and expression. His fingers were just right and squeezed into fists, giving people a feeling of being very energetic.
Chen Jun turned his back on him. "Don’t worry, I’ve already told the property company." If I don’t tell you, I didn’t.
"That’s good." The old security guard’s face just smiled. He was afraid that the police wouldn’t say anything and then ordered him directly. If they did, the property company would hold him accountable, wouldn’t he lose his job?
He’s been working hard here for years, but he hasn’t learned any other skills. If he had a skill, he would have changed his job a long time ago. If he suddenly lost his job by this time, where should he find a job? Which company would want an old man now?
If you really go to the construction site with your back to the loess, it is estimated that you will be tired there!
After Chen chun took the people away, the old security guard snorted at the young security guard and went to patrol. He couldn’t learn from the young man, or he would be fired sooner or later if he was complained by the owner.
The young security guard looked at his eyes gently after the old security guard left, and finally evoked a strange smile and turned around to continue sleeping.
Chen Junliu, two police officers, are here to monitor Mo Yi and the surrounding environment of the community. He himself led the rest of the police officers back to the city bureau and just entered the office when he heard that there was a heated discussion. The focus was the result of Muming’s anatomy.
Section 12
Also, he just sent an email to the team soon.
Pushing the door, he took the copied video and his face was full of smiles. "Cheng team, I am back."
Inside the sound was quiet for a moment and Chen Jun’s face was flushed in an instant because of the cold. At this time, the two people’s eyes just collided and burned together.
"Cough-"Cheng Manxian felt that he was a change and coughed for a pretence. He looked up and looked at the two men. "It’s good to be back."
She paused and made Yu Han and Chen Jun want to dig a hole to "show love, please pay attention to the occasion, place and time"
Chen Junlei blushes in the cold. If a tomato hands over the copied video to another person quickly, it will be with his head down. When an ostrich feels that everyone in the office is hot in the cold, he can’t wait to dig a hole and bury himself.
It turned out that it wasn’t that she felt there was a problem, but that people in the office really knew.
Damn it, Chen Jun!
She glared angrily at Gu Chen Jun, but it seemed to everyone that she was flirting with her eyes.
"Less than don’t be shy. It’s time for you to treat us so hard." A police officer walked over with a file and kept teasing while his eyes were ambiguous.
In the cold, she was more shy and bit her tongue to apologize on the spot. You know, she would pull out such a list of things. She said nothing yesterday and would not allow Chen Jun to go to the cinema! But now I say nothing.
If it’s irreversible, it’s better to accept her comfort, and her face will gradually return to normal, and even staring into Chen Jun’s sight will no longer be so angry.
Finally, the police officers seemed to feel that the atmosphere was not enough and immediately turned their eyes to Mu Ming. In their eyes, it was as if these four people could form two pairs casually. Of course, the best combination was Cheng Team and Qi Team, forensic doctors and criminal psychologists.
"What are you looking at? Don’t hurry up!" Qi Shaochen took the lead in cold drinking. Just now, Gu Jingke was angry to death at the gate of the inquiry room. Now he is like a bundle of explosives, which can be ignited with a little trouble.
Look who was so unlucky to be bombed by him.
What’s more, Chen Jun and Yu Han show their love in front of him. This mood is simply-terrible!
They all lowered their heads with inscrutable smiles. Since Qi Shaochen came in from the outside, they have been sulking. Although they don’t know what the reason is, at last, when the team and police officer Gu came in, they all looked like a mirror.
"What are you yelling at?" Cheng Man disliked glancing at Qi Shaochen’s fingers and rubbed his ears. The sentence that Qi Shaochen was close to her almost broke her eardrum, but her words immediately greeted Mu Ming’s eye warning.
"What did Chen Jun find specifically?" Mu Ming turned his eyes and put his report in the back and took a few steps to sit in the chair.
Chen Jun hurriedly corrected his look. "After investigation, except for those who came back to Cheng Team, it was confirmed that Mo Yi’s speech did not contain lies. Yong Fang and Mo Yi also got along very well in the neighborhood, and almost everyone didn’t give bad reviews."
"This proves that both of them are still good and temporarily rule out the possibility of vendetta." Chen Jun reported the news just found to several people. "The surveillance video also confirmed that Mo Yi didn’t lie. At 6 o’clock on the afternoon of July 17, Yong Fang did take the bag out of the community."
Cheng Man tightened his eyebrows and whispered, "The police can temporarily rule out Mo Yi’s suspicion. We just called Mo Yi’s mother to confirm that she had a quarrel with her daughter-in-law the day before yesterday and listened to her complaining tone. I don’t know that Yong Fang has been killed."
Otherwise, no matter how to say that Yong Fang is a daughter-in-law, her mother-in-law will not say anything so ugly.
"The surveillance video can see where Yong Fang went after leaving the community. We don’t know" because the camera can’t capture the scene outside. "If you want to check, you can go to the traffic management center."
With his mouth shut, Chen Jun will never do anything to make Cheng Man catch anything that hurts him!
A few people put the copied video in their heads and watched it again. Only when they found nothing did this clue break. From now on, we can rule out Mo Yi’s suspicion. Then we can start with the road video outside the community or-fish pond owner!
Gu Jingke’s eyes froze. Although he thought the owner of the fish pond was suspicious, he didn’t doubt that he killed someone. Then he could ask the owner of the fish pond.
"Qi Shaochen, what did you ask the fish pond owner just now?" Cheng Man turned the chair back straight to Qi Shaochen’s eyes.
Qi Shao Chennai shook his head. "No, that guy asserted that he found the dead for the first time this morning and called the police. There was no news, including asking him if he had seen anyone suspicious. He also saidno."
Cheng Man was silent for a long time. If the fish pond owner didn’t see anything, it could prove that the murderer was confident or knew such a good place to dump the body. If it wasn’t for the rope tied to the dead leg, the heavy object was washed away by the current and the dead body swelled and floated.
Maybe this case will eventually be regarded as a case of ordinary missing persons …
Several people think of this key point at the same time, and their eyes become cold and cold.
"I’ll try it." Gu Jingke got up and suddenly, as several people’s eyes gradually moved towards the office door, he paused with a smile and glanced back. "Mu Ming, do you want to come?"
Cheng Man’s eyes suddenly shone like she saw something precious. Although Gu Jingke was a subtle show of love, she didn’t really dare to treat them like Chen Jun. Muming would die miserably if she got angry!
Muming frowned slightly and finally got up from the chair and walked to the door. Wrong Gu Jingke took the lead in the direction of the inquiry room.
"Are these two weird?" Qi Shaochen’s eyes have a puzzling meaning after the two left.
Cheng Man made a haha. She dared not ask bluntly, "What do you say, Captain Qi?"
Qi Shaochen listened to this, and his eyes showed a little relief. At this moment, Chen Jun touched his hair and put his head in front of Qi Shaochen and asked carefully, "What’s weird about Qi Team?"
Ask cheng team is absolutely can’t ask anything nice. It’s better to come from the same man Qi Shaochen’s hand faster.
Qi Shaochen held out his hand and ticked a sign for Chen Jun to get closer to Chen Jun. He suddenly put his head together and looked forward to pricking up his ears. "Chen Jun, are you itchy and looking for a cigarette?"
With this sentence, Qi Shaochen raised his hand to Chen Jun’s shoulder, and pinched it with ten efforts!
Chen Jun whines when he is cold, but he looks at his heart with love in his eyes, but he wants to teach you a lesson, so that you won’t look at people …
Going to Cheng Man with a look of help, I know that it is "Qi Shaochen, are you not eating hard enough!"
Not strong enough? Chen Jun eyelid frantic shaking, he knew it was impossible to rely on the team. She was already kind-hearted and angry. After this time, he rushed forward without a shield and touched it directly by * *.
Qi Shaochen cooperated with Cheng Man’s words and made another effort. He sank his voice and asked, "Now you know what’s weird?"
Chen Jun shook his head crazily and then nodded crazily. Even if he didn’t know, he had to pretend to know, or his shoulders would be broken.
Qi Shaochen will loosen his hand and Chen Jun will take a step back directly if he receives Amnesty, while Qi Shaochen will simply say, "I haven’t practiced my hands for a long time, and I’m rusty. It’s time to find a time to practice my grip strength."
After Chen Jun left shaking his lips, he quickly glanced at Yu Han and said, "I’m in a hurry to go out first."
Looking at his back is like a jackal, a tiger and a leopard behind him. He can’t stay here for a moment, otherwise he will be pitted with no bones left!
Mu Ming and Gu Jingke went to the door of the inquiry room and raised their eyes a little. After looking at Gu Jingke, they found that the man’s face was still smiling lightly. She was silent for a moment and said, "Do you know who I just said found fingerprints in my wallet?"
Just before Chen Jun came in, she said that there was a third-party fingerprint found in her wallet except Mo Yi and Yong Fang. The fingerprint was bigger than Yong Fang, but it was similar to Mo Yi’s size, which was obviously male.