The female brother is soft all over. This time, don’t pack that little head. It’s not a headache for the whole albizzia brother. Who is Xiao Mei widow? Who hasn’t heard of the name of the little devil of Acacia Sect? Who hasn’t been tortured by her? My younger brother is about to cry. This is really but before he could conquer, he was dead. How did he meet this malefic?

And in this way, it seems that this little malefic has been hiding behind this tiger body just now? "Hey, why are you pinching my leg?" Xiao Mei widow is fearless and afraid of her brother-in-law. After begging for a long time, he didn’t want to take her out. He had to hang behind him […]

Chen Yougong started sweeping the yard with a big broom and threw something out. He shoveled the garbage out with a dustpan.

Chen Youliang’s family just had a quarrel with Zhao Qinhua. I’m officially depressed. I’m about to go out. Who knows, I met Chen Yougong. The two men looked at each other, Chen Yougong simply glanced and turned his head as if he didn’t see anyone. Chen Youliang clenched his fist and felt unable to swallow […]

The city emperor took it?

Not long after, I saw a group of ghosts come in with ferocious heads, which made many city emperors move. Not long ago, they had a drink together. Mrs. Bones said, "Seventeen people have not arrived at the Imperial Capital and six people have arrived late." "Put it aside and let them listen together." Then […]

It’s so fucking insidious that you can calculate the world tree

"I dare not try, so I may be trapped in the destruction of the world." "Then why don’t you try to connect with the world tree in this world? Maybe you can be sure whether you belong to this world or not." I said strangely that the world tree sighed heavily and said, "It’s a […]

There is no sign of anyone in Beifeng.

Xiao Qiushui set off fireworks from Yi to the "mountain peak" people and motioned for Liang Dou and others to conclude that the captives must have Huashan Five Peaks. Which one can be seen? Beifeng did not go to Zhongfeng immediately. There is a ridge in the south of the North Peak that protrudes like […]

People behind them couldn’t resist curiosity or worry, and they rushed to Leng Yue and didn’t stop them.

"Is that … the colonel?" The dream falls with doubts. She has never seen such a powerful gesture of the colonel. Can he temporarily climb such a high strength? They all know the method of combining heaven and earth to improve their strength, but that kind of ability, that is, it can improve two comprehensive […]

A strong desire for survival supported me. Although it was difficult to breathe, I still didn’t say a word, and I tried my best to scrape the snow in front of me in search of that slim chance of life.

There is an old saying that good people can always be saved if they don’t die. Just when we are about to suffocate here, I suddenly got stuck in a hole! I didn’t feel nervous and scared at all, but I was pleasantly surprised to find this cave, even if it was a beast, it […]

Augustus also leaned in from behind and said with a face of regrets, "Captain, if they deal with us this way, we probably wouldn’t be so comfortable now. It’s impossible to stand at the foot of the forest farm so easily …"

Bacary swordsmen came up from the side and said, "Actually, this kind of sacrifice ceremony requires a lot of money. These three indigenous people have forcibly acquired a force that their bodies can’t bear through the sacrifice ceremony. This force is a double-edged sword. Once they lose the blessing of God, this force will easily […]

Seeing this, their mask eyes have turned into divine light and looked forward to the first high seat! I wonder if this jade Jane is waiting for another chance? Is it an avatar or a magic method?

Before they think much of the dragon’s head, it has sounded again that "the techniques in the self-study and practice slips are combined and the first class can be afraid of the first one." The dragon’s first words are like dragons singing and tigers roaring, exploding in five people’s minds! Trembling, they stretched out their […]

Xiao Bai is used to loneliness and suddenly enters such an atmosphere, which makes her feel a little overwhelmed for a while … But what makes her feel more at ease is that the human race seems to be very friendly, and it is almost rare in the spiritual world to be as friendly and gentle as them.

Introductions Work has also been arranged Hang Yu found that the magic demon girl didn’t resist. She will be called whatever she is told. She will live where the teacher is told to live. Let her help her refine medicine and farm, and she obediently accepts orders to help refine medicine and farm. It seems […]