Ying Yun-shen looked a little embarrassed. "He said that purple stone is a very precious stone. Perhaps this is the most precious stone here. The strength of the five Emirates is strong and purple stone is also very large."

Ying Yun-shen looked a little embarrassed. "He said that purple stone is a very precious stone. Perhaps this is the most precious stone here. The strength of the five Emirates is strong and purple stone is also very large."

Li Feiyang was surprised. "Why didn’t you tell me earlier?"
Ying Yun-shen scratched his head. "I forgot that purple stone is too precious. I’ve heard it for so long and I haven’t seen it yet … I forgot to say it for a while."
Li Feiyang thought silently for a while and said, "How are you going to buy it?"
"A purple stone and ten weapons!"
"Hehe ~ ~ ~" Li Feiyang smiled gently. "Are you kidding me?"
There should be a look like the sea. "It seems that you don’t know the power of purple stone, brother …" He took out a small bag of hides and took out a purple crystal ling the size of a little finger belly from it and threw it at Li Feiyang. "Look for yourself!"
Li Feiyang stretched out his hand and caught the tentacle and felt colder than a faint breath invading the body along his fingers, and then flooded the meridians to the abdomen.
Li Feiyang was about to throw away his heart in a surprised, but now it doesn’t do any harm. Instead, it makes him feel comfortable, and the breath immediately melts into the true qi in the abdomen after entering the abdomen.
This small piece of purple stone slowly melted in Li Feiyang’s hands, and the cold breath entered his body, and then along the meridians into the abdomen, all of which became true qi, which surprised Li Feiyang. To his surprise, the true qi transformed by this small piece of stone suddenly arrived at him for ten days of penance.
Li Feiyang’s heart was slightly taken aback and suddenly remembered that the Ya Heart Sutra once said that there would be a special crystal in a specific way, which was condensed by the aura of heaven and earth.
Pure and impurities can transform human qi, which is helpful to practice. This kind of thing is called "Yuanjing", which is very precious. I think this so-called "purple stone" is probably something like Yuanjing.
"how about it? Is this a good deal? Would you like to slap a big purple stone for ten weapons? " Should be like the sea asked with a smile.
Li Feiyang shook his head "don’t change"
Ying Ruhai asked in surprise, "What?"
Li Feiyang smiled. "Unless it’s two pieces of purple stones for a weapon, we won’t talk about it."
Should be like the sea sneer at "you are dreaming! Two purple stones for a weapon? ! Do you think purple stone is sand everywhere? "
"I don’t care how precious it is, I’ll see if there is a sacrifice coming. It’s better to have weapons than anything, but it’s not much higher in a short time. If the quantity is insufficient, I can barely give it to a few people, which makes me feel uneconomical." Li Feiyang replied with a smile.
Ying Ruhai frowned. He had to admit that Li Feiyang made sense, but he immediately smiled and gave me a sly look. "Well, let’s tell you what, a piece of purple stone and ten weapons with the proviso that I allow you to continue living in the original settlement."
It is so natural to say that Li Feiyang must leave Li Feiyang, and that bossy attitude is like giving Li Feiyang something.
Li Feiyang smile "water Monsieur beaucaire kidding what do you mean allow us to live here? This place is us! "
Should be like the sea ha ha a smile to see should be leopard to see Li Feiyang "do you see? If we win, this place will naturally be us. "
Li Feiyang shook his head. "Never mind, I can get it back again."
Should be like the sea face a tight eyes flashing "do you want to challenge our village? You can beat us with these weapons? Hehe ~ ~ Don’t forget that private fighting is forbidden in the temple. You can choose a duel between the two sides according to our rules, and weapons are not allowed to stop.
Li Feiyang readily promised "good! Just follow the rules and choose a few people from each side. After you! "
Should be like the sea face slightly changed with a little bit dignified, since the other party said that it is so understated and not afraid at all, it must have its own reliance.
"Ying Ling Feng should be three …" A few names should be named like the sea in one breath. These people are more and more popular, and Li Feiyang has a slight motivation in his heart. He really feels that these people are much stronger than their own people. In all fairness, they should be like the sea. The overall strength of the people there is much higher than their own.
He sighed softly in his heart, and it turned out that the five Emirates were not strong enough to rely on the ground. Obviously, the overall strength of the other party is higher than that of those scattered villages, and Zishi must have a certain degree.
"I’ve chosen your turn here," Ying Ruhai said with a face of certainty.
Li Feiyang gently came out "so be it"
Ying Ruhai exclaimed, "What?"
Li Feiyang ha ha a smile "I said!"
Ying Ruhai immediately turned white. He narrowed his eyes and there was a chill in his voice. "Are you going to fight my hands alone?"
Li Feiyang nodded gently with a smile on his face.
Should be like the sea shocked him. wait for a while looked at Li Feiyang and slowly revealed a trace of hostility in his eyes and then laughed wildly.
"Ha ha ha ~ ~ good! In the dark forest, no one really dares to despise me so much, Mr. Shui! Arrogance Ok! Very good! " Say a few good words like Hailian, and the whole body will flourish in an instant, like a storm that enveloped the whole village.
Li Feiyang’s eyebrows are slightly surprised by the fact that this water Monsieur beaucaire’s strength seems to be close to what he killed that day. It seems that five Monsieur beaucaire can dominate the dark forest land.
A surge of momentum has been spreading, killing both villagers. Both Ying Yun-shen and Ying Zui are shocked because they feel deep murder in this momentum.
Does Monsieur beaucaire want to kill Li Feiyang?
Should be like the sea step in the previous step cold ao said to Li Feiyang "if you can pick me up ten strokes, this is you, otherwise you will take people to fuck off immediately!" Of course … "
Ying Ruhai said here with a sneer, "Don’t blame me if you die!"
When’ tis once spoken, the whole person rushed towards Li Feiyang like a storm. At the moment, there was a sound like waves turning around. In front of everyone, there was a pair of mysterious pictures. The sun shone in the sea for a second. The sun suddenly sank into the sea, and it was cloudy. The thunder roared and the waves swelled and pressed up like a mountain peak towards Li Feiyang.
In the waves, a huge arm is faintly visible, constantly stirring and rolling, pulling the waves up one by one and then urging them forward more violently.
Everyone was shocked by this momentum. At that time, they could just stand there and watch the huge waves oppress Li Feiyang.
Through the waves, Li Feiyang saw the ferocious face that should be like the sea. His eyes were deep with murder. Li Feiyang immediately turned white. This water emirate actually killed himself.
Actually, Ying Ruhai really wants to kill Li Feiyang’s body, five chieftains, and he is much more sensitive to profit perception than others. In front of him, he is not only the heir of Mani, who is the temple’s chosen sacrifice ceremony, but also has so many weapons to attract people. If he succeeds, who can be his opponent in the dark forest? They are used to maintaining the status quo, especially after they have the benefits in their hands, and they no longer need to go to the front line of death by themselves every time they offer sacrifices. He wants to keep these benefits.
One of the identities of Li Feiyang’s ritual mani is that he hasn’t officially become a ritual mani, and he can lie that he doesn’t know that Li Feiyang is not a native of the Dark Forest.
These three reasons are that the only chance to kill him now should be like the sea. I believe that not only myself, but also other people in the five chieftains will choose the same as themselves when they see these things.
Should be like the sea to swing his strength to the extreme. He knows that since the other party dares to speak out, there are naturally people who have passed through. Instead of underestimating his enemy, he will raise his state to the peak and attack at the same time, and he will be alert to the need to kill Li Feiyang with one blow!
Should be like the sea in this abacus Li Feiyang taste not have other ideas? If you can borrow five Emirates to stand up to Wei, I think his plan will be easy for many places, and Li Feiyang will also go to it!
The waves rushed to the front Li Feiyang took out the thunder Excalibur and split it against the waves.
Ow ~ ~! ! A Gao Kang Long Yin sounded like a rolling thunder, and the golden light flashed. At the same time, a golden dragon with a length of dozens of feet meandered out to meet the waves, and the tyrannical waves suddenly seemed to be cut into two pieces by a knife, and the dragon roared and ran straight into that huge arm!
Boom ~ ~ The dazzling golden light in the earth-shattering noise is like the sun, and it is like the sea. Just after showing surprise, it was hit by a heavy force and flew back with blood …
Chapter 166 Earth Monsieur beaucaire’s views