The purpose of the article is that blx, who is fond of pleasure, does not like to spray lightly.

The purpose of the article is that blx, who is fond of pleasure, does not like to spray lightly.

☆, 3, moved to her husband’s house after engagement 【 pk for collection 】.
Mianmian, the strangest word in Chinese dictionary, has no actual shape, but it is bigger than anything and heavier than anything.
Liu Yichen looked at this woman in front of her, and she wanted to spit out the meat in her mouth, but she kept covering her mouth with her hand, so she could not help it. She chewed and swallowed it with nausea.
Make sure that Sue didn’t let go of her satisfied smile until he ate it.
Wenyiting glances with Liu Zhengying gratified to laugh.
When the original couple had to run in, they didn’t expect it to progress so fast that they all reached the point of feeding each other.
Wenyiting is more satisfied with this daughter-in-law
After dinner, Liu Yichen said to Sue, "Go upstairs and sit in my bedroom. I want to talk to you."
Look at him laughing with malicious intent. Sue is too busy shaking her head and joking. She’s not going.
Wen Yiting saw it busy and said, "Yes, if you go to Yichen’s room for a night, I’ll arrange someone to decorate it. See what it looks like. It will be installed in a week at most without delaying your engagement."
Sue night feeling corners of the mouth sobbed who said engagement will live together?
As she stupidly kung fu was Liu Yichen clutching his arm, he just entered the room with a rotation and was pressed closer and closer to the door panel Liu Yichen’s handsome face.
Watching Liu Yichen’s mouth gather together, Sue was so scared that she put her hand over his mouth.
Liu Yichen eyes a evil smile stick out your tongue licked.
Sue’s late love pushed him to say "disgusting" and ran in to wash her hands and backhand for four or five times before coming out.
By the time she washed her hand, there was still a limp and numb palm, and a thousand grass mud horses floated over her head.
This revenge will be reported. It seems that we have to deal with it carefully.
When Sue washed her hands, she saw Liu Yichen sitting on the sofa with a glass of red wine in her hand.
I saw her holding a glass and gestured to her, "Would you like a drink?"
"No" Sue sat down on the sofa in the evening and remembered that Wen Yiting had just said that workers would be arranged to decorate the house the next day, and the whole person felt bad.
Seeing Sue’s bitter gourd face and Liu Yichen’s pie pie, she hates herself so much. "We’ll go to the theatre after sitting down, or it will be bad for my parents to doubt."
"Well, manager Lu, when can I start work?" Sue wan Qing couldn’t help asking, this is her ultimate goal.
Liu Yichen squinted at Sue’s late love. She talked to herself about the engagement condition, that is, to enter the Lushi class. But what? Does she have any purpose?
Miss her, a little girl can’t turn out any waves.
"really?" Sue’s eyes lit up at night. Since she knew that her mother might have been with Tang Sumei and Su Kang after her death, she felt uncomfortable when she saw them. If she didn’t see them during the day after work, she could still benefit the workplace. She found out what Wu had later become Su’s.
"Well, which department do you want to enter?"
"Marketing Department" Su Wanxinghao did not hesitate to say that he would only deal with the outside world if he entered the marketing department.
"Huh?" Lu Yichen once again made sure that she must have a purpose in entering Lushi. Otherwise, how can a newly graduated girl drill into the marketing department? That’s the hardest department in the company.
"Good" No matter what purpose she has, he will find out that Liu Yichen will pour the number of red wine in his hand into his mouth.
The sentence "thank you" is sincere. Although she doesn’t want to marry him at all, isn’t he the same, just like herself?
"After I am your boss, you should be polite to me." Liu Yichen immediately woke up her identity. This woman is always angry that he doesn’t point out her identity, and sooner or later she will grieve her.
Sue’s love affair "…" Why does she have a feeling that Liu Yichen won’t be a good boss?
Twenty minutes later, they went downstairs.
Wen Yiting quickly put down the remote control, got up from the sofa and walked quickly to Sue’s evening love, expecting to ask, "What’s the evening love? What kind of decoration style do you like when you just saw the room?"
Sue smiled stiffly at night. She said she didn’t look at it at all.
"Mom, just look at the decoration. We are all fine." Liu Yichen put her hand on Sue’s shoulder and Sue shook her body. If it wasn’t in front of Wenyiting, she would like to throw him over her shoulder and let him know that she took advantage of her.
"That’s all right. Don’t worry, I’ll make you satisfied with the decoration. When you get engaged, you’ll move in and live with your mother to mend your body and see how thin you are …"
Mom? Isn’t it too fast for Sue to get into the play?
Liu Yichen also has a black line on his face. How much he fucking wants a daughter-in-law? It’s not like that. It’s all changed.
"That mom, we believe it’s getting late, and I’ll send her back." Then Liu Yichen grabbed Sue’s arm and strode out. He was afraid that his mother would say anything shocking again if he stayed.
It was not until the car stopped at the gate of Sue’s villa that Sue came to her senses. She sold herself to Lujia rhythm.
Sue took Ann’s belt in her hand and pursed her lips and said, "Liu Yichen, your mother just said that I would move to your house after the engagement. Is this negotiable?"