No one likes being watched, especially if the host tries to send someone to watch you. Pan Hui can understand Nie Gai, but some can’t understand Gai Lian’s performance in front of her.

No one likes being watched, especially if the host tries to send someone to watch you. Pan Hui can understand Nie Gai, but some can’t understand Gai Lian’s performance in front of her.

At that time, she just thought that Gai Lian was too young to be served by this child, so she scared Gai Lian to kneel directly. Now think about it, Pan Hui suddenly had another guess, "Are you afraid of the real punishment?"
Cover flow face flashed a fearful body trembling uncontrollably, even unconsciously shortness of breath.
Pan Hui saw clearly in her eyes and asked, "Are you afraid of him?"
Cover flow a pair of eyes floating around for quite a while before the bearer stopped shaking, but he still looked like a pair of hearts, and his voice still trembled a little. "Gong … Gong he used to be very good, but I don’t know how his temperament changed suddenly that year, which made people unable to figure out his mind at the moment."
"That year? The year you were bought by me? " Pan Hui keenly grasped the key words in Gai Lian’s discourse.
Cover flow nodded and said, "Once upon a time, Gong was very gentle and kind to us. I don’t know what happened that year, but suddenly it was rain or shine. Even Sister Qiu, who has been with him, can’t figure out whether everyone can be careful to deal with it for fear of causing public unhappiness."
Pan Hui was silent.
That year happened to be the year when Pan Hui and the punishment really went to Weishan, and it happened to be the year when she was possessed. It seems that her guess should be right, and the punishment really happened to be controlled by the magic at that time!
Yee’s soul was destroyed, the Arctic ice sheet was threatened, Yue Bai was in danger, and the egret who followed the punishment was as real as his side, regardless of his life or death, which also made Pan Hui dare not care. That was the first authentic Xuanmen Emperor’s Palace and four elders-Sunstone Egret reality.
Pan Hui always feels that there is a bigger conspiracy hidden in this, a bigger conspiracy than unifying the sky!
But she can’t figure out what is the connection or similarity between Bai Qi’s soul peak, the Arctic ice sheet, Yue Bai and an emperor’s palace. Maybe she should go to the sutra depository to find out what they should have overlooked in the classics of various schools.
Cover flow see Pan Hui don’t talk also Pan Hui is really tired of the punishment, so I want to help the punishment really like talking. "The girl is really sincere to you. When Nie Gai sold me to the girl independently, he told me to wait on the girl. He never thought about making the girl unhappy. Even then, the man found out the identity of Master and didn’t intend to move her. It was later that Master asked me to go to the public … before he started."
Pan Hui’s heart was surprised. I didn’t expect that the original punishment was really recognized as Guanlan’s identity!
It’s just that everything in this world is not too coincidental.
Punishment is really like an evil spirit. She has it. Cover flow into Yue Bai when fine also she has.
Pan Hui suddenly wants to know what else she has since things have developed to this point!
With a heavy sigh, she raised her hand and interrupted Gai’s pity. "You came to report the punishment. If you know it, will you die?"
Cover flow was a frozen didn’t speak Pan Hui has been clear.
Will it really die? Then the boy didn’t lose the last trace of conscience when he knew he was going to die
After all, Guanlan is very good for Gai Lian. If Gai Lian really wants to finish it, regardless of years of mutual affection, Pan Hui will kill her after she knows the truth. But now …
Pan Hui took a deep look at Gai Lian’s heart. It seems that he needs to protect one more person, and the punishment is really like a person.
"You will live here! I’m a long porch, but it’s not just anyone who can infringe punishment. It’s not so easy to have me in one day. Anyway, I’ve already protected a Zhao Guang, so I don’t care if you have more grievances with Guanlan until he is cleared and saved. "
Pan Huixiu was caught by a child’s little hand ~ She was not annoyed that she was gently shaking her baby face and gently winking at the child.
Cover flow see Pan Hui seems to be very fond of this child’s heart lit up a little hope also Pan Hui is true for punishment to treat this child, she hesitated for a long time as if she finally made up her mind and generally said, "Girl, this child is not my family."
"Not your husband?" Pan Hui casually repeated to continue to coax the child until after a few interest rates, she suddenly turned her head to stare at Gai’s pity. "You said that this child is not a punishment?" !”
That’ll be the day! This is Zhao Huan’s son, Princess Zhao Huan, and the pride of the royal family. It is absolutely impossible to have an illegitimate life!
Cover flow was shocked by Pan Hui’s overreaction and saw Pan Hui’s eyes pressing and busy. "I also heard Qiu’s sister say that she said that Gong has been widowed and never had a husband and wife with Princess Dust. The princess actually slept with him every night. This matter is that several of us know that the princess is also ignorant of the truth ~ phase."
Pan Hui gasped in a gasp. I never thought that punishment would be so cruel! It’s just that Song Guocai married Princess Dust and didn’t do her husband’s duty. She even let the blood slave go to ruin the innocence of a princess. What a human being!
Is this blood slave …
"What’s the name of the blood slave?" Pan Hui suddenly remembered the egret who came to worship the mountain with the punishment yesterday.
Cover flow didn’t know Pan Hui had doubts and didn’t hesitate. "I don’t know the name of the male blood slave. Sister Qiu didn’t say that I never asked if I knew that the blood slave couldn’t be too far away from the master, otherwise it would immediately disappear, so I always followed the male side."
"Have you ever seen? But an old man with white hair and beard who looks a little bit like a sage? " Pan Hui test way
"Good girl met?" Gai Liu qi Dao
Pan Hui immediately sneered, "Yesterday ~ your grandfather came to worship the mountain and beg for children. I naturally saw it."
It turns out that the egret is a slave whose punishment is really like blood! Although Pan Hui doesn’t know exactly how the blood slave came from, obviously it won’t be a person with independent consciousness, or the punishment is really like a puppet or controlled by drugs, so it can’t be separated from the punishment. So it seems that the monster in the Arctic ice sheet must be really different!
At that time, the punishment was really like a sudden departure from a day, but it was actually to take the egret meat ~ body!
Chapter 475 Cover flow revealed (2)
Pan Hui heart a line gradually clear lang.
Although she doesn’t know exactly where this so-called blood slave came from, one thing is certain: since the egret is really a blood slave, it must no longer be the real egret before, and it is very likely that it can’t be regarded as a living person!
A soulless … Living dead!
Pan Hui suddenly put the child up and walked out. This speculation is very likely. She must tell Duane that a punishment is really like having a blood slave around her. There is no guarantee that there will be more single egrets. But if there are more than a dozen egrets who cultivate blood slaves like this, it will be a very terrible thing!
There are not many immortals in the whole human world. Most of them are not practicing all the year round, or they are Shou Yuan. Those young immortals who are waiting to return to the market are even more different from each other. If the punishment is really like a massive attack, there are not many talented people, because it is also necessary to consider whether the punishment is really like blood slaves or not!
Gai Lian didn’t follow her out. At the moment Pan Hui hit the gate, she was shocked by the whole person, "Gong!" escape one’s lips
Duane turned his eyes and looked at Gai with a startled look at Pan Hui. In his heart, Duane was horrified. But it was clear that this "male" had a meaning.
Murphy … In those days, saving Gai’s pity was not really a punishment!
Cover flow this is to see who is the man in white in front of me, and quickly leaned over and said, "Cover flow has a bad eye and mistook someone for being rude. Please forgive Du Xuan."
"Small pity in mass graves to save you is really a white dress? Or a white robe in black? " Pan Hui took a deep look at Duane and asked for cover flow.
Since Duane returned to Changxuan, he has never returned to the spotless white dress in black. Pan Hui once asked him if Duane would wear black clothes when he was away for 16 years. Did he tell her with a smile that he was confused and naturally turbid as white?
Cover flow surprisedly looking at Pan Hui lost her way "girl how can you know? Could it be that the girl was not there at that time? I was dressed in black and white robe when Gong rescued me that day, but I never saw him wear it like that again. "
Duane and Pan Hui face gloomy at the same time.
Pan Hui didn’t expect that she was right. Just now, Gai Lian, a "male", made her think that when Gai Lian was rescued, it should be when the master elder brother was expelled from his master’s school. Besides, Gai Lian can mistake Duane’s back for her husband, so it is very likely that it was Duane who saved Gai Lian at the beginning, but I don’t know that he was really as stiff as Li Daitao because of his punishment!
And Duane is finally understood from the two words. At the moment, the more I look at Gai Flow, the more familiar I feel. Gradually, the little girl overlapped ten years ago.