Gou Jian said with tears, "You don’t know, you don’t know how good and gentle Xi Shi is to me. I should be satisfied when I get a confidant of Xi Shi. I should be satisfied. What do I want with this country?" I want Xi Shi! I want Xi Shi! "

Gou Jian wept bitterly at the mouth of Taihu Lake. Wen Zi Nai gave a wry smile. Wen Zi never dreamed that Gou Jian was so persistent in Xi Shi. However, there is no persistence. Xi Shi has gone, and Xi Shi’s heart has gone. Gou Jian’s ability and root method have been taken back. […]

The female brother is soft all over. This time, don’t pack that little head. It’s not a headache for the whole albizzia brother. Who is Xiao Mei widow? Who hasn’t heard of the name of the little devil of Acacia Sect? Who hasn’t been tortured by her? My younger brother is about to cry. This is really but before he could conquer, he was dead. How did he meet this malefic?

And in this way, it seems that this little malefic has been hiding behind this tiger body just now? "Hey, why are you pinching my leg?" Xiao Mei widow is fearless and afraid of her brother-in-law. After begging for a long time, he didn’t want to take her out. He had to hang behind him […]

"Well, six hours’ flight, I went to see Teacher Athena. After more than half a year’s domestication, the flower firefly wise man finally showed signs of submission. I don’t know if I can get some information from the flower firefly wise man." Lin momo suddenly disappeared from the throne with a gentle stamping of her feet, and it was normal for her to continue to deal with many things at hand.

Athena’s living room has been extended to both sides. The living room is located in a huge and beautiful dome. Speaking of this dome, it comes from Mingfeng tyrant insect tower. The great female insect teacher always has to get something special to decorate the facade. What is more suitable than the odd insect tower […]

Chen Yougong started sweeping the yard with a big broom and threw something out. He shoveled the garbage out with a dustpan.

Chen Youliang’s family just had a quarrel with Zhao Qinhua. I’m officially depressed. I’m about to go out. Who knows, I met Chen Yougong. The two men looked at each other, Chen Yougong simply glanced and turned his head as if he didn’t see anyone. Chen Youliang clenched his fist and felt unable to swallow […]

Feeling the fluctuation of mana, the old guys who are collecting Dan medicine are startled. There are still many Dan medicines that have not been collected yet. Wouldn’t it be outrageous if they were destroyed by mana?

You know, it’s better for everyone to compete for fists and fists, but it’s easier to be controlled. However, if the technique is left behind, the wave area will be greatly changed. If you are not careful, it will trigger a chain reaction. Everyone will defend the mana to prevent it from being hit, but […]

Looking at the chill wind deep in Achan’s eyes, the soul can’t help but feel a palpitation. Achan has both ambitions to dominate the three realms and extraordinary means and strategies, but this is not her most terrible place. The most terrible thing is that there is some elusive madness hidden in her character.

Generally speaking, people who are full of ambition and strategy have no self-control over themselves. However, Achan is not so. The wind soul clearly knows that Achan belongs to the kind of bearer who is sure of what she will do even after being stimulated. This incomprehensible madness mixed with her ambition and strategy is […]

The city emperor took it?

Not long after, I saw a group of ghosts come in with ferocious heads, which made many city emperors move. Not long ago, they had a drink together. Mrs. Bones said, "Seventeen people have not arrived at the Imperial Capital and six people have arrived late." "Put it aside and let them listen together." Then […]

After all, the alliance strength is obvious to all.

Besides, in the eyes of extraordinary creatures, human beings should be counted as a whole. Those ordinary people who don’t practice are human beings. Those who have trained animals are also human beings. And those ordinary people who don’t practice can’t be ignored at will. Although there is nothing wrong with them, together they can […]

Bone bird sternum interruption is obviously anger extremely fly at the mouth like a sword for a moment, and there are several deep pits in the monster body.

"We have to go or we’re afraid we’ll be hit by waves." Looking at the beast fighting GuHui thinking a said "Okay, let’s go." Several people have long been scared by fighting. They are pale and wish the horse would leave here. They quickly nodded and said At this time, a tragic sound came from […]

First of all, Zhao Liang organized a trial of Zhao Xiangtuan’s family members and people with other surnames, so that they could explain clearly the illegal acts committed by Zhao Xiang during his short period in power.

These facts can be used as a basis for judging them in the future. Zhao Jiashi’s bloody head was placed in front of them. Twenty fierce soldiers were holding beheading knives and waiting for people who didn’t tell the truth to behead them directly. After putting on this posture, everyone explained everything like a bamboo […]